Casa Velas: Preferred by travelers in Mexico and worldwide.
by Vanessa Martínez del Río
Preferred by travelers in Mexico and worldwide
With over 65 million unique visits per month, TripAdvisor® is the most recognized travel forum in the world, offering advice from travelers for other travelers. In the tenth edition of its acclaimed Traveler’s Choice awards, the site published the favorite hotels of its users, naming Casa Velas in two categories: Best All Inclusive Hotel in Mexico in 2nd position of 25 total hotels and in 8th position on the list of the 25 Best All Inclusive Hotels in the World.
Casa Velas is also a member of The Leading Hotels of the World and has been recognized with Four Diamonds by the AAA as well as receiving the Certificate of Excellence in 2010 and the 2011 Traveler’s Choice awards in three categories: Luxury, Relaxation/Spa and Romantic Hotels, both by TripAdvisor®.
For more information about the hotel, please call 1-888-309-5385 or visit