The Sea Lions
These wild animals are original from south america, their life span is between 25 or 30 years. When they are babies, the Sea Lions weigh 12 or 15 kg and their size is between 75 or 86 cm. and when they grow into adults the female weigh is 140-150 kg and the size around 1.92 mts, but the male develops even more coming up 300-350 kg. and the size is 2.5-3 mts. Sea lions are such smart animals since they learn to survive in captivity and make friends with all the brave that decide to interact with them. Why brave? because after swimming in open water with them nothing inside the water will be the same they have 36 big teeth and it is so funny when they smile for you. The trainers of these animals say that they have them own personality and the sea lions become their faithful and funny friends every day they have discovered more similarities that makes even closer the relationship, they become the best friends.