Mmmmmm! Recetas fáciles de preparar | Easy-to-cook recipes
Sorbete de Maracuyá
Pulpa de maracuya 250 gr | Agua 175 ml | Azúcar 125 gr | Hielo frapé lo necesario | Sal de grano lo necesario
Calentar el agua, al primer herbor agregar el azucar y mezclar hasta disolverse. Retirar del fuego y agregar la pulpa de maracuya , colocar en un recipiente cilindrico y dejar enfriar.
Colocar como base , un recipiente de mayor tamaño que el que contiene la mezcla de maracuya, vertir el hielo y vertir sal para endurecer el hielo. Girar el recipiente de encima mientras baja el liquido de las paredes, con una pala pastelera hasta que se forme la consistencia de sorbete. ¡Que lo disfrute!
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Passion Fruit Sorbet
Passion fruit 250 gr | water 175 ml | sugar 125 gr | shaved ice as necessary | salt as necessary
Heat the water until it begins to boil, then add the sugar and stir until fully diluted.
Turn off heat and add the passion fruit pulp, stirring well.
Place the mixture in a cylindrical container and let cool to room temperature.
Pour the ice into a bowl or container large enough to hold the container of passion fruit mixture, and surround the ice with a layer of the coarse salt (salt helps the ice to stay firm and keeps it from melting).
Place the cylinder with the passion fruit mixture in the larger bowl.
Turn the cylinder while stirring the passion fruit mixture with a rubber spatula, scraping down the sides until a firm consistency is reached.
Scoop into small bowls or cocktail glasses, garnish with mint and enjoy!